December 16, 2021

Chief Cheechoo’s Statement on Inaccurate Information on Social Media

A video has been circulating on social media regarding Moose Cree First Nation’s position on Niobay and their exploration activities. The information in the video is inaccurate. There are no plans for a Niobay mine in the Moose Cree Homeland.
December 14, 2021

South Bluff Creek Survey

This survey is an opportunity for Moose Cree First Nation members to provide input to Chief and Council about the potential uses of South Bluff Creek. How you feel about the possibility of building a mine near South Bluff Creek at some time in the future? Let us know!
December 1, 2021

Pandemic Bylaw #1609 Rescinded

At a Council Meeting on Monday, November 29th the Chief & Council rescinded Pandemic Bylaw #1609. This decision was made upon consideration of Moose Factory Island’s high vaccination rate of 77% and that many have also now received the vaccine booster.